로그인 회원가입

긴 항해 끝에 처음 육지를 봄 영어로


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  • landfall
  •     tall; drawn-out; livelong; prolonged; extended;
  • 항해    항해 [航海] a voyage; (sea) navigation; (a)
  • 끝에    finally; at long last; corner; at last
  • 처음    처음 [시초] the beginning; the opening; the
  • 처음 육지를 봄    landfall
  •     봄 spring; [봄철] springtime. 올 ~ this
  • 육지    육지 [陸地] land; (배에서 본) the shore. 지구의 ~ 면적 the land area of the Earth. ~에 사는 동물 a land[terrestrial] animal. ~가 보이는 곳에서 within sight of land. (배가) ~에 접근하다 stand in for the shore / approach land. ~에 오르
  • 처음    처음 [시초] the beginning; the opening; the start; the outset; commencement; [최초] (the) first; the first time; [기원] the origin. ~의 first / initial / incipient / lead-off(개시의) / original / early(초기의). ~에
  •     봄 spring; [봄철] springtime. 올 ~ this spring. ~의 따뜻한 햇살 a soft, warm spring sun(shine). ~에 입는 카디건 a cardigan for spring (wear). ~이 되면 as spring comes round / in (the) spring. 이른[늦은] ~에 early[late] in
  • 항해    항해 [航海] a voyage; (sea) navigation; (a) sailing; a crossing; a passage (over the sea); a (sea) trip; (순항) a cruise; [해상 교통] sea traffic. 연안 ~ coastwise sailings. 원양 ~ ocean navigation / a long cruis
  • 봄 봄    Spring (season)
  •     tall; drawn-out; livelong; prolonged; extended; tight; longsome; tense; lengthy; taut; secure; long; firm; protracted; long-drawn-out
  • 긴 s    Long s
  • 지를    -지를 도리어 결과가 좋~ 못했다 On the contrary the results were no good at all.
  • 생육지    home; habitat
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